Biorhythm Harmony


Biorhythm Charts &  Healing Solfeggio Frequencies for  Enhanced Well-being

Your Chart Is Waiting for you Below

Welcome to Biorhythm Harmony, a unique experience designed to align with your natural cycles for optimal well-being.

More Than A Chart

Further enrich your daily routine by tuning into your recommended Solfeggio frequency, a distinctive sound frequency to embody restorative properties.

Listen to the calming, meditative music, and let the healing vibrations promote a sense of balance, liberation, transformation, or divine connection.

Here’s What To Do

  1. Enter your Birthdate
  2. See Your Recommended Frequency
  3. Select, Listen & Relax to the recommended Frequency

Totally Free!

This immersive experience requires just 3 minutes of your day.

And please leave a comment!

Biorhythm Chart

Biorhythm Chart

Enter your Birthdate

Specific frequencies that can help improve any low biorhythm readings:

 396 Hz (Root Chakra):

  • Physical: Grounding and centering, which can help stabilize and boost low physical biorhythm.
  • Emotional: Releasing feelings of guilt and fear, which can help improve low emotional biorhythm..

417 Hz (Sacral Chakra):

  • Physical: Balancing the sacral chakra, which is connected to our reproductive system and can influence physical well-being.
  • Emotional: Fostering emotional balance and personal growth, which can help improve low emotional biorhythm.
  • Intellectual: Facilitating change and intellectual growth, which can help improve low intellectual biorhythm.

528 Hz (Solar Plexus Chakra):

  • Physical: Stimulating the solar plexus chakra, which is connected to our digestive system and energy regulation, can help improve low physical biorhythm.
  • Intellectual: Boosting personal power and self-confidence, which can help improve low intellectual biorhythm.

639 Hz (Heart Chakra):

  • Emotional: Cultivating understanding, tolerance, and love in relationships, which can help improve low emotional biorhythm.
  • Spiritual: Promoting love, compassion, and empathy, which can help improve low spiritual biorhythm.

741 Hz (Throat Chakra):

  • Emotional: Enhancing self-expression and communication, which can help improve low emotional biorhythm.
  • Intellectual: Boosting intuition and creativity, which can help improve low intellectual biorhythm.
  • Spiritual: Enhancing self-awareness and connection to inner wisdom, which can help improve low spiritual biorhythm.

852 Hz (Third Eye Chakra):

  • Intellectual: Enhancing intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight, which can help improve low intellectual biorhythm.
  • Spiritual: Reconnecting with spiritual essence and purpose, which can help improve low spiritual biorhythm.

963 Hz (Crown Chakra):

  • Spiritual: Connecting with the divine and higher consciousness, which can help improve low spiritual biorhythm.

Here is the above in chart form, with the beneficial frequency filled in where it will most help a low biorhythm aspect. 

Hz Ph Em In Sp
Hz Physical Emotional Intellectual Spiritual

What are Biorhythm Charts?

 Unlocking the Potential of Your Inner Cycles


Biorhythm charts, a concept originating in the early 1900s, are designed to predict or analyze an individual’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual cycles. The belief underpinning these charts is that humans go through regular fluctuations in these life aspects, each following a distinct period. By gaining insight into these cycles, individuals can potentially optimize their daily lives, make better decisions, and boost overall well-being. This article will explore the foundations of biorhythm charts, the principles that shape them, and the advantages of incorporating them into your life.

Unraveling Biorhythm Charts

A biorhythm chart is a visual representation of an individual’s four primary cycles: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Each cycle is believed to have a specific duration and follows a sinusoidal pattern, with peaks and troughs symbolizing periods of high and low energy or performance.

Physical cycle: Spanning 23 days, the physical cycle is thought to impact an individual’s strength, stamina, and general health. High points in this cycle often coincide with increased physical vitality, while low points can result in feelings of lethargy or exhaustion.

Emotional cycle: The 28-day emotional cycle is believed to influence an individual’s mood, inventiveness, and sensitivity. Elevated points in this cycle are associated with increased emotional stability and a positive outlook, whereas low points can lead to heightened emotions or mood fluctuations.

Intellectual cycle: The 33-day intellectual cycle is considered to affect an individual’s cognitive abilities, including memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. High points in this cycle correspond to enhanced mental clarity, while low points can lead to challenges in concentration and understanding.

Spiritual cycle: Although less frequently mentioned, the spiritual cycle has a 53-day duration and is thought to influence an individual’s sense of purpose, intuition, and connection to a higher power. During high points in this cycle, individuals may feel more aligned with their spiritual selves and experience increased intuition, while low points could result in feelings of disconnection or spiritual doubt.

Advantages of Biorhythm Charts

1. Heightened self-awareness: Examining the patterns in biorhythm charts can provide individuals with insights into their natural energy cycles, facilitating a deeper understanding of their strengths and limitations.

2. Better decision-making: Comprehending one’s biorhythm cycles can help individuals make more informed choices, particularly concerning their physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being. By scheduling activities in accordance with their cycles, individuals can maximize their performance and sidestep potential obstacles.

3. Personal evolution: Biorhythm charts can act as a catalyst for personal development, as individuals become more attuned to their internal rhythms and gain a broader understanding of their distinctive qualities and inclinations.

4. Stress management: Recognizing and respecting natural fluctuations in energy levels can enable individuals to better cope with stress and prevent burnout.

5. Spiritual growth: The spiritual cycle, specifically, can offer valuable insights into an individual’s spiritual journey, assisting them in nurturing their intuition and deepening their connection to a higher power.

Critical Days in Biorhythms: The Turning Points of Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and Spiritual Cycles

These critical days indicate transitions between positive and negative spiritual energy, when you are at 0 % on a given cycle either going up or down.

Physical Cycle: During these times, individuals may experience sudden shifts in physical energy, strength, and health, and should take caution with physically demanding activities.

Emotional Cycle: On these days, individuals might face heightened emotions or mood swings, so it’s important to be mindful of emotional well-being and mental health.

Intellectual Cycle: During these times, cognitive abilities such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making might fluctuate, thus requiring extra focus and attention.

Spiritual Cycle: Individuals may experience shifts in their sense of purpose, intuition, and connection to a higher power. It’s crucial during these times to pay extra attention to spiritual practices and personal reflection.

Biorhythm charts offer a unique lens through which to view the various cycles believed to influence an individual’s life. By understanding these cycles, individuals can make more informed decisions, optimize their daily lives, and foster personal and spiritual growth. Although the scientific validity of biorhythm charts remains a subject of debate, many people find them useful as a tool for self-reflection and personal development.

Golden SIne Wave Pattern for what are the solfeggio frequencies sectionfrequency

Unlocking the Power of Solfeggio Frequencies

Origins, Rediscovery, and Healing Potential


Solfeggio frequencies have captivated the world with their rich history and reputed healing abilities. Stemming from ancient chants and believed to embody restorative properties, these unique frequencies have experienced a resurgence in popularity and are now employed by countless individuals across the globe. This article delves into the genesis, re-emergence, and application of Solfeggio frequencies, examining the advantages of each frequency and their potential for healing and personal development.

Origins of Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies can be traced back to the 10th century when Guido d’Arezzo, a Benedictine monk, devised a system for teaching music based on the six notes of the Solfeggio scale: UT, RE, MI, FA, SOL, and LA. These notes originated from the Latin hymn “Ut Queant Laxis,” which honored John the Baptist. The frequencies corresponding to these notes were thought to possess healing properties and harmonize with the vibrations of the universe.

Rediscovery of Solfeggio Frequencies

Dr. Joseph Puleo, a naturopathic physician and herbalist, rekindled interest in Solfeggio frequencies during the 20th century while studying the Bible’s Book of Numbers. He identified a pattern of six recurring codes, which he subsequently linked to the original Solfeggio scale. Dr. Puleo’s findings spurred further research and the establishment of contemporary sound therapy techniques incorporating Solfeggio frequencies. Randy Masters also discovered more frequencies, he was an instructor on one of my courses and is very knowledgeable, worth looking up more about him.

Solfeggio Frequencies

396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear: This frequency helps release feelings of guilt and fear by promoting a sense of security, safety, and balance. It can also stimulate the root chakra, grounding and centering the listener.

417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change: The 417 Hz frequency is believed to cleanse traumatic experiences and negative influences, facilitating change and personal growth. It can also help balance the sacral chakra, which governs creativity and emotional well-being.

528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair): Often called the “Love Frequency,” 528 Hz is said to promote transformation, healing, and DNA repair. This frequency can stimulate the solar plexus chakra, promoting self-confidence and personal power.

639 Hz – Connecting and Balancing Relationships: This frequency is associated with fostering understanding, tolerance, and love in relationships. It can help balance the heart chakra, which governs love, compassion, and empathy.

741 Hz – Awakening Intuition and Expressing Truth: The 741 Hz frequency is believed to enhance intuition, self-expression, and communication. It can help balance the throat chakra, which is associated with communication, self-expression, and creativity.

852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order: This frequency is said to reconnect the listener with their spiritual essence and purpose. It can stimulate the third eye chakra, which is linked to intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight.

963 Hz – Divine Connection and Higher Consciousness: This frequency, often referred to as the “God Frequency,” is believed to activate the pineal gland and awaken the listener to higher states of consciousness and divine connection. It can help balance the crown chakra, which is associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and connection to the universal consciousness. 

Global Usage of Solfeggio Frequencies

While it is challenging to determine the exact number of people who utilize Solfeggio frequencies worldwide, the practice has gained significant momentum in recent years. Sound therapists, yoga instructors, meditation teachers, and alternative healers have integrated these frequencies into their practices, and many individuals employ them for personal growth and healing.

For centuries, Solfeggio frequencies have been revered for their healing properties and potential to facilitate personal growth. With their renaissance and growing popularity, these ancient frequencies continue to inspire and captivate those seeking to enhance their well-being and expand their consciousness. By understanding the origins, applications, and benefits of each frequency, you can harness their power to enrich your life and foster a deeper connection with the universe.

Pure Solfeggio Tones

The following has the pure Solfeggio tones with volume controls for each frequency. You can control the volume by sliding the control to the right or left. You can combine tones as well. These are the pure tones which some people make like, or others may find a little harsh and just prefer the audio tracks combined with music, which are a lot more mellower. Turn your volume down first if your wearing headphones then press the play button to start playing all of the selected tones at there selected frequencies. 

Works best in Chrome.


Frequency Player


What should I do when I listen to the audio?:  Just relax, close your eyes if you choose, meditate, concentrate on nothing or your breathing.

Why are the audiotracks different colours?: The colours are the corresponding colours in the visible light spectrum. Both sound and colour co-operate as a carrier for each other, so looking and listening enhances your experience.

What is my chosen track?: It’s based on your lowest sine wave, so if physical is the lowest, I suggest a frequency that is beneficial for that. You can listen to other frequencies based on their properties listed above as well.

How long should I listen?: Right now they are all about 3 minutes long, which is better than nothing and can fit into a busy day. You can listen to one more than once if you feel you need it.

Which Solfeggio Frequencies do I listen to?: The purpose of this site is to give you the Solfeggio frequency to compliment your lowest Biorhythm level. However all of the Solfeggio frequencies are beneficial and can be listened to any time. Actually if you have time, the best thing would be to listen to all of them, one after the other.

Aren’t you missing some Solfeggio Frequencies?: There are the 6 basic ones, but more have been discovered. I added the 963 Hz frequency just so, if you’re into Chakras, then you have one for each of the major Chakras. There are other ones as well, and as this site is evolving, I may be adding more in the future.

What does Critical Mean?

  • The critical days indicate transitions between positive and negative energy, when you are at 0 % on a given cycle either going up or down you should just me more cautious than normal. If you have  more than one critical on a given day, the more cautious you should be.
  • Physical Cycle: During these times, individuals may experience sudden shifts in physical energy, strength, and health, and should take caution with physically demanding activities.
  • Emotional Cycle: On these days, individuals might face heightened emotions or mood swings, so it’s important to be mindful of emotional well-being and mental health.
  • Intellectual Cycle: During these times, cognitive abilities such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making might fluctuate, thus requiring extra focus and attention.
  • Spiritual Cycle: Individuals may experience shifts in their sense of purpose, intuition, and connection to a higher power. It’s crucial during these times to pay extra attention to spiritual practices and personal reflection.
Exploring the World of Biorhythms and Solfeggio Frequencies: Unlocking the Secrets of Well-being and Balance




 Biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies are two intriguing concepts that have been gaining popularity in recent years, thanks to their potential to enhance well-being, balance, and harmony. As people continue to seek natural and holistic ways to improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual health, understanding biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies can provide valuable insights. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies to uncover their significance, benefits, and applications.

 Section 1: Biorhythms

 1.1 Understanding Biorhythms

 Biorhythms are the natural cycles that govern various aspects of our lives, such as our physical, emotional, and intellectual states. These cycles, first theorized by Dr. Wilhelm Fliess in the late 19th century, are believed to influence our energy levels, moods, and overall well-being. The three primary biorhythms are:

  •  Physical: This 23-day cycle governs our energy levels, strength, and endurance.
  • Emotional: This 28-day cycle influences our emotions, mood, and sensitivity.
  • Intellectual: This 33-day cycle affects our mental abilities, focus, and decision-making.

 1.2 Charting Your Biorhythms

 To gain insights into your personal biorhythms, you can create a biorhythm chart by calculating the number of days you’ve been alive and determining your position within each cycle. Numerous online tools and apps can help you generate a personalized biorhythm chart, which can provide valuable information about your current state and potential challenges or opportunities.

 1.3 Benefits and Applications

Understanding your biorhythms can help you:

  •  Identify periods of peak performance or low energy
  • Enhance decision-making by recognizing intellectual highs and lows
  • Manage emotional fluctuations and improve relationships
  • Plan activities and tasks according to your energy levels and focus

 Section 2: Solfeggio Frequencies

 2.1 The Origins of Solfeggio Frequencies

 Solfeggio frequencies are a set of ancient musical tones that were originally used in sacred music, such as Gregorian chants. These frequencies were rediscovered in the 20th century by Dr. Joseph Puleo, who believed that each frequency carries unique healing properties. The six core solfeggio frequencies are:

 396 Hz: Liberating guilt and fear

  • 417 Hz: Facilitating change and breaking negative patterns
  • 528 Hz: Transformation, miracles, and DNA repair
  • 639 Hz: Connecting and harmonizing relationships
  • 741 Hz: Awakening intuition and finding solutions
  • 852 Hz: Returning to spiritual order and higher consciousness

2.2 Healing Properties and Applications

 Solfeggio frequencies are believed to have various therapeutic effects on the body, mind, and spirit. These frequencies can be experienced through listening to music or using sound therapy tools like tuning forks and singing bowls. Some potential benefits and applications of solfeggio frequencies include:

  •  Reducing stress and promoting relaxation
  • Enhancing meditation and spiritual growth
  • Stimulating creativity and problem-solving abilities
  • Improving sleep quality and reducing insomnia
  • Balancing energy centers (chakras) and promoting overall well-being

 In summary, biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies are fascinating concepts that offer valuable insights and potential benefits for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. By understanding our personal biorhythms and incorporating solfeggio frequencies into our daily lives, we can unlock the secrets of well-being and balance, leading to a more harmonious


Harmonizing Life with Biorhythms and Solfeggio Frequencies: A Synergistic Approach to Well-being



The concepts of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies, individually known for their potential to enhance well-being and balance, can be even more powerful when combined. By understanding our innate biorhythms and incorporating the healing power of solfeggio frequencies, we can create a holistic approach to achieving harmony in our lives. In this article, we will explore the benefits of combining biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies and how they can work together to improve our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

 Section 1: Aligning Biorhythms with Solfeggio Frequencies

 1.1 Synchronizing with Natural Cycles

 Understanding our biorhythms enables us to identify our natural peaks and troughs in various aspects of life, such as physical energy, emotional stability, and mental focus. By synchronizing our activities with these natural cycles, we can maximize our potential and minimize the impact of low points. Solfeggio frequencies, on the other hand, help us attune to specific energetic vibrations that promote healing, transformation, and balance. By aligning our biorhythms with solfeggio frequencies, we can create an environment conducive to overall well-being and personal growth.

 1.2 Enhancing Emotional Balance

 Emotions play a significant role in our well-being, and managing emotional fluctuations is crucial for a balanced life. By being aware of our emotional biorhythm cycles, we can predict and navigate emotional highs and lows more effectively. Combining this awareness with solfeggio frequencies, such as 639 Hz (harmonizing relationships) or 417 Hz (facilitating change), can help us release negative emotions, promote forgiveness, and create emotional equilibrium.

 Section 2: Practical Applications of Biorhythms and Solfeggio Frequencies

 2.1 Meditation and Mindfulness

 Meditation and mindfulness practices can benefit greatly from combining biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies. By meditating during periods of high intellectual and emotional biorhythms, we can experience deeper focus and emotional clarity. Incorporating solfeggio frequencies, such as 528 Hz (transformation) or 852 Hz (spiritual order), into our meditation sessions can enhance our spiritual growth and self-awareness.

 2.2 Sleep and Relaxation

 A good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being. By understanding our physical biorhythms, we can identify periods when our bodies are more likely to require rest and recovery. Incorporating solfeggio frequencies, such as 396 Hz (liberating guilt and fear) or 741 Hz (awakening intuition), into our bedtime routines can help us release stress, quiet the mind, and promote deep relaxation.

 2.3 Personal and Professional Growth

 Combining biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies can also help us maximize our potential for personal and professional growth. By scheduling important tasks, meetings, or creative projects during our intellectual and physical high points, we can enhance our productivity and effectiveness. Listening to solfeggio frequencies, such as 417 Hz (facilitating change) or 528 Hz (transformation), can help us break through limiting beliefs, stimulate creativity, and embrace new opportunities.

The synergistic approach of combining biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies offers a unique opportunity to harmonize our lives and enhance our well-being. By understanding our natural cycles and attuning to the healing power of solfeggio frequencies, we can create a holistic environment that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Embrace the power of biorhythms and solffeggio frequencies to unlock your full potential and experience a more harmonious, fulfilling life.

Section 3: Techniques for Integrating Biorhythms and Solfeggio Frequencies

 3.1 Creating Personalized Biorhythm and Solfeggio Playlists

 One effective way to integrate biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies is by creating personalized playlists tailored to your unique cycles. Combine music or soundscapes that incorporate the desired solfeggio frequencies with your daily activities, focusing on the areas where you need the most support, such as emotional balance, physical energy, or mental focus.

3.2 Sound Healing Sessions

 Sound healing sessions, which may include singing bowls, tuning forks, or gongs, can be adapted to incorporate both biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies. By scheduling these sessions during your biorhythmic peaks or addressing specific imbalances, you can enhance the effectiveness of the sound healing experience.

 3.3 Yoga and Movement Practices

 Yoga and other movement practices, such as Tai Chi or Qigong, can also benefit from the combination of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies. Align your practice with your physical and emotional biorhythms to maximize the benefits, and incorporate music with solfeggio frequencies to create a deeply healing and transformative experience.

 Section 4: Building a Supportive Community

 4.1 Sharing Knowledge and Experiences

 As you explore the benefits of combining biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies, consider sharing your insights and experiences with others. Connect with like-minded individuals through online forums, social media, or local meetups to exchange ideas, resources, and support.

4.2 Collaborating with Practitioners

 Collaborate with holistic health practitioners, such as sound therapists, yoga instructors, or wellness coaches, who have experience with biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies. These professionals can offer guidance, support, and specialized services to help you integrate these concepts into your daily life more effectively.

The combined power of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies offers a unique and transformative approach to enhancing well-being and achieving balance in our lives. By understanding our innate cycles and attuning to the healing vibrations of solfeggio frequencies, we can create a synergistic environment that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony. Embrace the power of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies to experience a more harmonious, fulfilling life, and share your journey with others to create a supportive community of growth and healing.

Section 5: Maintaining Balance and Progress

 5.1 Regularly Monitoring Biorhythms

 To maintain balance and continue benefiting from the synergistic effects of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies, it’s essential to regularly monitor your biorhythm cycles. Use online tools or apps to track your physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles, and make adjustments to your daily activities accordingly.

 5.2 Adapting to Life’s Changes

 As life changes, so do our needs and priorities. Stay flexible and open to adapting your biorhythm and solfeggio frequency practices to accommodate new situations or challenges. This may include adjusting your daily routines, incorporating different solfeggio frequencies, or exploring new techniques and tools.

 5.3 Cultivating Mindfulness and Awareness

 Cultivating mindfulness and awareness is crucial for maintaining balance and harmony in your life. By staying present and attuned to your inner state, you can respond more effectively to your biorhythm cycles and benefit from the healing power of solfeggio frequencies. Develop a regular mindfulness practice, such as meditation or journaling, to stay connected to your inner guidance and wisdom.

 5.4 Continuing Education and Exploration

 Stay curious and open to learning more about biorhythms, solfeggio frequencies, and other related concepts. Engage in ongoing education through books, workshops, and online resources to deepen your understanding and discover new ways to integrate these principles into your life.

Embracing the synergistic power of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies can lead to a more balanced and harmonious life. By monitoring your biorhythm cycles, aligning your daily activities with these cycles, and incorporating the healing vibrations of solfeggio frequencies, you can create a transformative environment for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Continue to cultivate mindfulness, adapt to life’s changes, and explore new practices to maintain balance and progress on your journey toward a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

Section 6: Additional Tips for Success

 6.1 Setting Realistic Expectations

 While combining biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies can provide numerous benefits, it’s important to set realistic expectations for your personal growth and healing journey. Remember that progress takes time, and it’s essential to be patient and gentle with yourself as you navigate your unique path.

 6.2 Personalizing Your Approach

 Each individual is unique, and what works for one person may not be as effective for another. Experiment with different techniques, tools, and solfeggio frequencies to find the combination that best resonates with your specific needs and preferences.

 6.3 Maintaining Consistency

 Consistency is key when it comes to experiencing the benefits of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies. Develop a regular practice that incorporates both concepts, and make a commitment to maintain this practice over time. Consistency will help you establish new habits and create lasting positive change in your life.

 6.4 Seeking Support and Guidance

 If you find yourself struggling or encountering challenges as you integrate biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies into your life, don’t hesitate to seek support and guidance. Reach out to holistic health practitioners, wellness coaches, or fellow practitioners for advice, encouragement, and inspiration.

 The journey of harmonizing your life through the combined power of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies is an ongoing process that requires patience, commitment, and self-awareness. By setting realistic expectations, personalizing your approach, maintaining consistency, and seeking support, you can successfully navigate this transformative path toward greater balance and well-being. Embrace the power of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies, and continue to explore new ways to enhance your life and foster a more harmonious existence.

Section 7: Expanding Your Holistic Health Toolbox

 7.1 Exploring Related Concepts

 As you continue your journey toward greater balance and well-being, consider exploring additional holistic health concepts that complement the integration of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies. Some related areas of interest may include:

 Chakra balancing

  • Energy healing modalities, such as Reiki or acupuncture
  • Aromatherapy and essential oils
  • Color therapy
  • Crystal healing

7.2 Developing a Holistic Lifestyle

 Incorporate other aspects of a holistic lifestyle into your daily routine to further support your well-being and personal growth. Some suggestions include:

  •  Eating a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
  • Prioritizing self-care and relaxation
  • Cultivating a strong social support network
  • Practicing gratitude and maintaining a positive mindset

 7.3 Staying Connected to Nature

 Nature has a profound impact on our well-being and can help us maintain a sense of balance and harmony. Spend time outdoors, connect with natural elements, and incorporate nature-inspired practices into your daily life, such as:

 Forest bathing (shinrin-yoku)

  • Gardening or caring for houseplants
  • Grounding or earthing exercises
  • Observing natural biorhythms, such as the cycles of the moon

 By exploring related concepts, developing a holistic lifestyle, and staying connected to nature, you can further enhance the benefits of combining biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies in your life. Continue to nurture your well-being and personal growth by expanding your holistic health toolbox and embracing a comprehensive approach to achieving balance and harmony. The journey toward greater well-being is an ongoing process, and with dedication, curiosity, and self-awareness, you can continue to evolve and thrive on this transformative path.

 Section 8: Embracing Lifelong Learning and Growth

 8.1 Staying Informed on Research and Developments

 As you continue to integrate biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies into your life, stay informed about the latest research and developments in these fields. Subscribe to relevant newsletters, blogs, or podcasts, and attend workshops, conferences, or seminars to deepen your understanding and stay current on new discoveries and innovations.

 8.2 Sharing Your Knowledge and Experiences


One of the most rewarding aspects of personal growth is the opportunity to share your knowledge and experiences with others. By educating and inspiring those around you, you can contribute to the collective well-being and create a positive ripple effect in your community. Offer workshops, write articles, or create content on social media platforms to share your insights and empower others on their journey toward balance and harmony.

8.3 Embracing Change and Adaptability

 Life is an ever-evolving journey, and our needs and priorities shift as we grow and change. Embrace the fluidity of life and remain adaptable to new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. By maintaining an open mind and a willingness to evolve, you can continue to thrive and find new ways to harmonize your life through biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies.

 Thee integration of biorhythms and solfeggio frequencies offers a powerful approach to achieving balance, well-being, and personal growth. As you continue on this path, embrace lifelong learning, share your wisdom, and remain adaptable to change. By nurturing your own well-being and inspiring others, you can contribute to a more harmonious world and cultivate a life of balance, growth, and fulfillment.

Biorhythm Charts: Understanding the Cycle of Life


Biorhythm charts, a concept that has intrigued humans for over a century, are designed to predict the oscillations in our physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual states. The premise behind these charts is that our lives are governed by regular cycles, each with its unique duration and effects. By understanding these rhythms, we can better navigate our lives and possibly enhance our overall well-being. This article will delve deeper into the mechanics of biorhythm charts, the scientific theory they are based on, and how they can be incorporated into everyday life.

Unraveling Biorhythm Charts

At their core, biorhythm charts are graphical depictions of four primary cycles: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Each of these cycles follows a sinusoidal pattern, with peaks indicating periods of high energy or performance, and troughs symbolizing times of low energy or decreased capacity.

  • Physical Cycle: Lasting 23 days, the physical cycle is thought to impact an individual’s vigor, resilience, and overall health. When we’re at the peak of this cycle, we often experience increased vitality, while the low points may bring about feelings of fatigue.
  • Emotional Cycle: This 28-day cycle is believed to influence our mood, creativity, and sensitivity. High points in the emotional cycle are typically associated with emotional stability and a positive outlook, whereas low points can lead to increased emotional volatility.
  • Intellectual Cycle: Spanning 33 days, the intellectual cycle is thought to affect cognitive abilities, such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. Peak periods of this cycle correspond to enhanced mental clarity, while troughs can result in challenges related to focus and understanding.
  • Spiritual Cycle: This less frequently mentioned cycle lasts 53 days and is believed to influence our sense of purpose, intuition, and connection to a higher power. High points in the spiritual cycle may make individuals feel more attuned with their spiritual selves, whereas low points could induce feelings of spiritual doubt or disconnection.

The Science Behind Biorhythms

The biorhythm theory originated in the early 20th century, with the work of Dr. Hermann Swoboda, a professor of psychology at the University of Vienna, and Dr. Wilhelm Fliess, a colleague of Sigmund Freud. They independently discovered what they believed to be biological rhythms influencing various aspects of human behavior and performance.

Despite the scientific debate surrounding biorhythms, many people find these charts a useful tool to aid in self-understanding and decision-making. Here’s how you might utilize them in your daily life:

  • Self-Awareness: Biorhythm charts can serve as a mirror reflecting your natural energy cycles. By observing these patterns, you can develop a better understanding of your personal strengths and limitations.
  • Decision-Making: Knowledge of your biorhythm cycles can help in making informed choices, particularly regarding physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being. For instance, if your physical cycle is at a low point, it might not be the best day to run a marathon.
  • Personal growth: Biorhythm charts can act as a catalyst for personal development, as individuals become more attuned to their internal rhythms and gain a broader understanding of their unique qualities and tendencies.
  • Stress management: Recognizing and respecting natural fluctuations in energy levels can enable individuals to better cope with stress and prevent burn out.
  • Spiritual growth: The spiritual cycle, specifically, can offer valuable insights into an individual’s spiritual journey, assisting them in nurturing their intuition and deepening their connection to a higher power.

The Power of Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies, originating from ancient chants and believed to embody restorative properties, have experienced a resurgence in popularity. These unique frequencies are now employed by countless individuals worldwide for healing and personal development. Each frequency is associated with certain effects:

  • 396 Hz: This frequency is associated with liberating guilt and fear, and grounding and centering, which can help stabilize and boost low physical biorhythm.
  • 417 Hz: This frequency is linked with undoing situations and facilitating change. It is believed to foster emotional balance and personal growth, which can help improve low emotional biorhythm, and facilitate change and intellectual growth, which can help improve low intellectual biorhythm.
  • 528 Hz: Associated with transformation and miracles, it is believed to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, which is connected to our digestive system and energy regulation, and can help improve low physical biorhythm. It is also thought to boost personal power and self-confidence, which can help improve low intellectual biorhythm.
  • 639 Hz: This frequency is connected with balancing relationships. It is thought to cultivate understanding, tolerance, and love in relationships, which can help improve low emotional biorhythm, and promote love, compassion, and empathy, which can help improve low spiritual biorhythm.
  • 741 Hz: This frequency is often associated with self-expression and problem-solving. It’s thought to promote power of self-expression, which can lead to a pure, stable, and healthier life. It’s also associated with a solution for dealing with problems or complex situations.
  • 852 Hz: This frequency is often linked to intuition and the third eye chakra. It is said to help individuals in focusing their mind, and to aid in the removal of mental fog or clutter. It’s also associated with returning to spiritual order and awakening intuition.
  • 963 Hz: This frequency is often associated with awakening the perfect state and is related to our connection to the cosmos and the divine. It’s said to enable direct experience and the return to Oneness – our true nature.

Biorhythm Harmony provides a daily biorhythm chart based on your birthdate and recommends a Solfeggio frequency to best help your lowest cycle. You can listen to calming meditative music in your recommended Solfeggio frequency or choose one on your own. They are composed to be short in duration allowing them to fit into any schedule.

Frequencies: The Future of Modern Medicine


In the famous words of Albert Einstein, “Everything in life is vibration.” This profound statement provides a glimpse into the potential future of medicine, where frequencies and vibrations may play a pivotal role in health and healing. The idea that frequencies could hold the key to modern medicine is a fascinating concept that is gaining momentum in the scientific community.

The Power of Frequencies

In the broadest sense, frequencies refer to the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. In the context of sound and energy, frequencies describe the oscillations or vibrations of waves. Our bodies and minds are constantly interacting with these frequencies, whether we’re listening to music, feeling the rumble of an earthquake, or perceiving the colors of a sunset.

Nikola Tesla, the eminent physicist and engineer, once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” In the realm of medicine, this means looking beyond the physical structure of the body and delving into its energetic composition.

Frequencies in Medicine

The idea of using frequencies in medicine isn’t new. Techniques like ultrasound, which uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the body, have been used for decades. Recently, however, researchers are exploring the potential of using specific frequencies for healing purposes.

One such frequency-based healing modality is the use of Solfeggio frequencies. These are specific tones with ancient origins, believed to promote healing and well-being. Each frequency corresponds to a specific aspect of human experience, such as transformation, relationships, or intuition.

The Future of Frequency-based Medicine

The potential applications of frequencies in medicine are vast. Frequencies could be used to target specific cells or organs, to promote healing and regeneration. They could be used to balance the energy body, to foster physical, mental, and emotional health. Or they could be used to influence brainwaves, to enhance focus, relaxation, or creativity.

As per Thomas Watson, a partner to Alexander Graham Bell, “The day will come when the man at the telephone will be able to see the distant person to whom he is speaking.” His words, which seemed far-fetched in his time, are now a reality with video conferencing. Similarly, the idea of frequency-based medicine may seem like science fiction today, but it could well be the medicine of the future.

The journey towards frequency-based medicine is an exciting one. It invites us to look beyond the physical body, to consider our energetic composition, and to explore the healing potential of frequencies. As Albert Einstein once said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence.” It is this curiosity that will continue to drive the evolution of modern medicine, opening up new possibilities for health and healing.

The Role of Frequencies in Cellular Function

The human body is a complex entity, made up of trillions of cells, each operating at a particular frequency. Renowned inventor and futurist, Raymond Royal Rife, explored this concept in-depth. He claimed that every disease has a frequency. He theorized that by introducing the disease’s exact frequency, it could be neutralized and eradicated. While this is yet to be universally accepted or applied in modern medicine, it’s a compelling perspective on the potential of frequency-based treatments.

Frequency Medicine and Mental Health

Sound and frequency therapies have also found a place in mental health treatment. Binaural beats, for instance, use two slightly different frequencies in each ear to influence brainwave patterns. This method is being explored as a tool for reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and improving focus. The late Robert Monroe, a pioneer in the field of sound-based therapies, often said, “Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”

The Intersection of Frequencies and Biofeedback

Biofeedback is another area where frequencies are utilized. In biofeedback, patients are taught to control bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, or muscle tension. By monitoring these functions and presenting them back to the patient in real-time, they can learn to adjust their bodily responses, effectively using their mind to control their body’s frequency.


As we look to the future, we can see a world where frequency-based medicine plays a central role in health and wellness. To quote Nikola Tesla once more, “The future is much more beautiful than all the past.” The application of frequencies in medicine is only beginning to be realized. As research continues and our understanding deepens, the possibilities are limitless.

In this pursuit, we must remember the words of Albert Einstein: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” A new paradigm of healing is emerging, one that recognizes the power of frequencies and their potential to revolutionize modern medicine. As we embrace this shift, we open the door to a future where health and wellness are not merely about managing symptoms but about harmonizing with the essential vibrations of life itself.

If you made it this far, below is a link to an other spiritual sites for you to explore. I get paid if you sign up it and it would help me keep this site going for free if it of interest to you. Below this advertisements there is an “About Me” and a comments sections as well. Please leave a comment and hope you like this site.

Ultimate Personalized Sound Healing

There is a site I highly recommend called that I use every night. It analysis your voice to determine what frequencies your body needs.

You then listen to those frequencies in the form of meditations, affirmations, or just plain frequencies, and by listening it builds up the imbalance that your body needs.

It was developed from over 20 years research in a hospital and therapeutic setting.

There is even a vocal toning feature where you say a  vowel sound like “Ahhh” in your needed frequency that resonates the healing sounds through your entire body.

Tip*: I highly recommend getting a bluetooth sleep mask and listening to this when you go to bed. There are some inexpensive ones on Amazon.

It’s just amazing. If you’re feeling down or just need a boost, and you need a natural non drug solution in your life, please check out the site with the button below for a partnership I have with them for a half price lifetime deal. You also get to try it for FREE for 2 weeks to see if it works for you.

(Enter code: harmony50 if you signup, look for the “Have a  coupon?” hyperlink right under the password entry)

Coupon Code: harmony50 (write this down)


 About Me

I’m just having fun building this free site and looking on ways to improve it. I have an IT background, completed a Sound Healing Certification Course through the Globe Institute in California, and also composed the music on this site based on what I learned. I like to indulge in anything Spiritual because the world needs as much love as we can all give it right now and always. I would like to expand and improve on this site and welcome any comments below.


  1. Penelope Thomas

    Thank you for this site, the music and healing. Thank you for all your work and in providing this free to people. God Bless.

    • dcorbett

      Thank you Penelope, my site is new and you’re my first comment, and what a beautiful comment you made. I really appreciate it!

      • Marilyn) Shaw

        Thank you so much forthis site I was feeling not good and listening to the frequency you advised made me feel better I think this is a lovely thing to do for free in a world of money making thanks again

        • Anonymous

          Amazing. You are so kind to do this. Most calming part of my day listening to all of these in succession. Thank you for your generous spirit?

      • Keryn Dawer

        WOW. So happy I stumbled upon this site. I started sound healing with a shaman years ago. It is so effective for me. How cool that I know the personal frequency I need at this moment for balance and harmony. Thank you.

    • Richard Malikowski


    • Claudia

      Just found this and find it very interesting. I believe in the bio rhythms but the frequencies are very cool..thx for the info.

  2. Anonymous


  3. Divination

    Love it, try to improve the templates to look more professional. Great content though

    • dcorbett

      Thank you so much for your comments, I’m better with Techy stuff but not so much with look and feel, I will endeavor to evolve that portion, and glad you liked it!

      • Lucia K

        Well Done! Thank You☺

        • dcorbett

          Thank you Lucia, your comments are so appreciated!

          • Anonymous


  4. Anonymous

    I really enjoyed reading and listening to all the info on your site. Thank you

    • Anonymous

      You were to make a crown. Love the app

      • dcorbett

        Thanks, I love your comment, makes me feel so good, and glad you love the app.

    • Anonymous

      I can’t figure out how to add my birthday

      • dcorbett

        Just click or press on the date under Enter your Birthdate. Depending on whether you are on a PC or Mobile it will be different, but enter the day of the month first, then the month, then the year and you should be good.

  5. Deb Cz

    I love what you have created, the music and text! It is most helpful and easy to use! Thank you for sharing it with us all.

    Suggestion for improvement :
    I need to reset my birthdate each time I access the site. Is it possible to save the birthdate?
    Saving multiple birthdates, for family and friends would be even better.

    Good health and happiness to you!!

    • dcorbett

      Thank you for your kind comments, if this site catches on with more people (help me share it) then I could definitely look at a user log in or some mechanism where it remembers your settings. I love suggestions, & Good health and happiness to you as well!

      • Brendan

        What a professional site full of very relevant Energetic data and ‘cloud nine’ music?- alán buíochas

        • dcorbett

          Thanks for your comments, will keep it going!

  6. Deb Cz

    P. S. Your music sounds very exciting and uplifting compared to some other Solfeggio frequencies music. Nice job!

    • dcorbett

      Hi Deb,
      That makes my day, Thank you so much!

  7. Tonya Tittle

    Thank you for your amazing contribution to this world!

    • dcorbett

      Hi Tonya,
      You strike a chord in my heart with your comments. Just trying to give something back.
      Thank you!

  8. Anonymous

    Day2 subjective observations passing the days tone through A glass of water seems to show a physical change to the water.

    • dcorbett

      I hope it was a positive change.

      • Christine

        I love this sight. You answered all of my questions. It’s useful for people who are just getting into this type of healing. It’s easy to read and understand.

        • dcorbett

          Thank you Christine, kind words, Doug.

        • Kristi

          Thank you even though I haven’t tried it yet. I saw a different site charging a huge amount of money and if this is the same, I’m grateful as I heal from 3 massive injuries and have very severe insomnia.

          • Jag

            Sending a little heartfelt appreciation your way today. Thank you sincerely for doing what you do!!!
            It’s an amazing site
            Keep going!!!!!!!

          • dcorbett

            Thank you. Have some more ideas, is a work in progress. Any suggestions may spur some ideas on my side as well!

  9. Dejon Dixon

    Makes me feel so good after listening to all frequencies I definitely know they did something!!!

  10. David L Mcgarr

    TY very much DAVE from Dallas OREGON

    • dcorbett

      Thanks Dave!

  11. Anonymous

    Thank you ! You are an Angel 🙏🏻💜

    • dcorbett

      You’re welcome and appreciate the kind words!

  12. Anonymous

    Love it 💜

    • dcorbett

      Thanks for your comments!

  13. Anonymous

    Love the site, can you make it easier to enter the birthdate, it would help to view the results faster. Thanks for such an awesome site.

    • dcorbett

      I will try. It’s easy to select the month and day but getting the year in at the same time is a pain. I may try either separate drop downs for day month year, or a manual separate mm dd yyyy manual type in. Stay tuned.

      • Sarah Cardwell

        Love it! Thank you so much!
        I found your site to be informative and rather simple to navigate

  14. Sylvia ward

    Hi I.m interested and would relly like my life to go in a better direction thank you

  15. Julie Weeks

    This was amazing. I have a Bio Feedback therapist and she works with my biorhythm’s xx this will be an amazing website x

    • Anonymous

      Thank you for the site 🙂

    • dcorbett

      Thanks for the feedback Julie!

  16. Poppy

    I am so grateful to have discovered your site. Thank you for providing this free service to benefit many who ate wanting to focus on improving oneself. You will receive good karma tenfold!

    • dcorbett

      Thanks for the kind words Poppy!

  17. AM

    O wow I am blown away from this site! Amazing work. Thanks for sharing! Are these real Solfeggio frequencies?! How do you recommended frequency according to date of birth?

    • dcorbett

      Hi BlueSky,
      Thank you for your comments.
      There are many ways to listen to Solfeggio Frequencies. A few are listed below.
      1. Listen to the needed frequency listed on my site based on your Biorhythm readings today which is based from your birthdate.
      2. Or you could just listen to each frequency using the Pure Solfeggio tone generator near the bottom of the website, see which one resonates with you the most, which one makes you smile, and then listen to that audio either the pure tone or with the music, replay if necessary for as long as you want.
      3. As far as a Solfeggio based on your birthdate this would be one way to do it based on the relationships of your Zodiac sign, which has a ruling planet, and each planet also rules one of the Chakras, and each Chakra has an associated Solfeggio Frequency as shown in the chart below.

      Zodiac Sign- Ruling Planet- Associated Chakra- Solfeggio Frequency (Hz)
      Aries- Mars- Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra)- 528
      Taurus- Venus Heart (4th Chakra) 639
      Gemini- Mercury- Throat (5th Chakra)- 741
      Cancer- Moon- Sacral (2nd Chakra)- 417
      Leo- Sun- Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra)- 528
      Virgo- Mercury- Throat (5th Chakra)- 741
      Libra- Venus- Heart (4th Chakra)- 639
      Scorpio- Mars/Pluto- Sacral (2nd Chakra)- 417
      Sagittarius- Jupiter- Crown (7th Chakra)- 963
      Capricorn- Saturn- Root (1st Chakra)- 396
      Aquarius- Uranus/Saturn- Third Eye (6th Chakra)- 852
      Pisces- Neptune/Jupiter-Crown (7th Chakra)- 963

  18. Owen Merodon

    wonderful. Thank you for posting this online so powerful and yet so uncomplicated. Blessings to you.

  19. Michelle

    Seems to b just wat I need thank U so much can’t wait 2 explore it all

  20. Janet

    Is there a way to download the frequencies to listen at other times of the day??

    • dcorbett

      Hi Janet, let me work on that.

    • Mel

      Such gratitude for finding this site today! Powerful and profound shifts. Much needed. Thank you for sharing this gift with us! 🙏🏽🤩💗

      • dcorbett

        Hi Mel, Lovely words. Thank You!

  21. Charlotte

    great – was having a down day – enjoyed finding my way around – listening now.
    Sent it to American cousin from Canada. Thank you! for doing it.

    • dcorbett

      Thanks for your comments and for forwarding!

  22. Charlotte

    hi again and maybe an app? for my cell phone

    • dcorbett

      An app would be fairly easy but just extra $$$. If I win the lottery or put some advertisements on this website then for sure!

      • JBurt

        Thank you for your website, it has really helped me blessed be Jean

  23. Helen Hammond

    Hi, thankyou so much for compiling all of this wonderful knowledge & Insight. I am really drawn to healing frequencies. I am a channeling healer & I love crystals too. Do you know the frequencies of the crystals.? Quartz was/is used in watches so they have a frequency that is measurable & constant. How about Rose quartz or Smokey quartz etc ? Would love your thoughts on that. Many thanks Helen x

    • dcorbett

      Hi Helen,
      Thanks for your kind comments and a fascinating question. I am not a crystal expert but have a lot of them myself, mainly use them around the bed at night. But wear some occasionally as well.
      Here is an interesting article: (Crystals and Chakras)
      Also from Google:
      According to scientific research, the molecular energy vibration frequency of rose quartz is 350 Hz which is around an F note. When you are exposed to this frequency, you can increase and coordinate the frequency of heart energy. Its energy vibration can heal emotional wounds and create a quiet space for inner peace and self-repair. Now as with anything on the internet this conflicts with the Rose Quartz frequency in the above link, so I would have to research more.
      I couldn’t find a more definitive answer on Smokey quartz. But Quartz in general vibrates at 32,768 Hz. If you octivize this down to an audible range, that would would be around 327 Hz which would be close to an E. (Every note like C vs the higher C above that is half the frequency.)
      Like I said, not an expert in crystal to frequency conversions, but I absolutely love your question, you got my mind spinning in a good way!

  24. Charlie Martin

    This is amazing thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻❣️❣️❣️

    • dcorbett

      Thanks Charlie!

  25. Guy J Hensley

    I am very impressed, my biorythem is on point with how I am currently feeling. I am every bit of overwhelmed. The sound tracks are wonderful. I have alot of self care I really need to start taking action on. This site has helped me alot as far as pin pointing where I need to start. Thank you very much for sharing all of this.

    • dcorbett

      Hi Guy, Thanks for the kind words, and all the best!

  26. Joe Thomas

    How do I get this to remember my birthday?

    • dcorbett

      Unfortunately, I don’t have that feature yet, might require an email sign in or something. Maybe will come soon. But for now, even I have to type in my birthdate every time.

    • Anonymous

      This is fantastic for everyone, thank yo so much. I’ll will look further on your site and the ones you have suggested💙


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